Postcard Post #11: Little Free Postcard Mailbox
Well, I think that I have teased you long enough! “The Postcard Project” is so excited to introduce the “LITTLE FREE POSTCARD MAILBOX” located at beautiful Hoopes Park in Auburn, NY!
My postcard business is growing and with that has been the ability to donate proceeds to: Auburn Education Foundation and the Finger Lakes Land Trust. This past year was exciting working with folks in Rochester NY at THE STRONG and OAK HILL. I developed a set of “Happy Birthday & Thank You” cards. If you are a postcard person, you will like my new set of “Make Today a Postcard Day” inspired by the international postcard organization Postcrossing, and perfect for National Postcard Day celebrated on October 1!
I have regularly been asked, “What’s the project?” Well, that got me thinking that this adventure can be MORE than selling postcards and donating money. My project – share … invite folks to a free postcard and to experience the fun of sending and receiving postcards! Chances are you have seen the ripple of “Little Free Libraries” across the country. Well, that was my inspiration and rather than a library, I needed a mailbox!
I cannot be more thankful to Seamus Rhodes and Hoopes Park in Auburn, NY for joining in the fun. They gladly accepted my red-white-blue mailbox and created a wonderful space for it directly in front of the clubhouse. THE PROJECT: each week 7 new postcards will be placed in the mailbox, 1 will even have a stamp! Take the postcards and enjoy them! The postcard deliveries will be documented in photos and once a month I will share a video. It will be fun to witness this over the course of the entire 2024 year!
So, stop by and grab a card. I would love to hear back from you … leave me a note in the mailbox, and if you are tech-savvy take a picture of you and the “Little Free Postcard Mailbox” and post to Facebook and Instagram. Send those pictures to me (teresahoercher@gmail.com ) and I will add your pictures to the Little Free Library 2024 Video.
Check Out Video #1 January / Little Free Postcard Mailbox
Happy Postcard Writing! Teresa Hoercher